Dolphin Swim and Athletic Club

The Dolphin Swim Team is excited to be hosting the annual 2021 Suburban Swim Association South Jersey (S.S.A.S.J) Championship Meet, July 31 – August 1, 2021. On this weekend over 750 swimmers between the ages of 6-18, and their families, will spend a summer’s worth of early morning practices, hard work and commitment to their teams racing it out in the water. Our twelve league teams are located throughout all Southern New Jersey.
The hosting swim team relies on sponsorships to help defray the expenses of this weekend long event. We invite you to support our Southern New Jersey athletes by becoming one of our sponsors. In promoting your business, you will be supporting these young athletes at the culminating event of their summer swim season.
We invite you to purchase one of the sponsorship levels described below to help support the S.S.A.S.J League Championship Meet. Dolphin Swim Team is a non-profit organization, and proceeds will go to the presentation of this event. If you have any questions regarding the sponsorship levels below, please reach out to dolphinswimteamvineland@gmail.com
Sponsorship Levels:
Platinum Sponsor (1): $2500 ______ Includes full page ad (4 color, inside cover), two 6 x 9 banner’s : one by facility entrance, one inside the facility, logo on all social media posts, logo on website, loudspeaker announcements during the meet.
Gold Sponsor: $1500______ Includes full page full color ad, one 3 x 9 banner, logo on all social media posts, logo on website, loudspeaker announcements during the meet.
Silver Sponsor: $750 _______ Includes full page black and white ad, logo placement on website, loudspeaker announcements during the meet.